Seiko-Kai Shito-Ryu Karate-Do Australia
Seiko-Kai History Seiko-Kai, a branch of the Shito-Ryu style, was founded by Seiko Suzuki, of Shinkoiwa Tokyo. Suzuki Sensei commenced his training in Karate in 1954 under Sakagami Sensei. In 1957 Sakagami Sensei relocated from Tokyo to Yokohama and left Suzuki Sensei to run the Tokyo dojo. Suzuki Sensei was a loyal student and would visit Sakagami Sensei dojo in Tsurumi, Yokohama to continue his study almost every week. To ensure his Seiko-Kan (as his dojo was called) students were learning correct Shito-Ryu technique, Suzuki Sensei would insist that they travel with him to Sakagami Sensei’s Genbu-Kan dojo as often as possible. It was during these frequent visits that in 1963 Suzuki Sensei commenced the study of Ryu Kyu Kobudo under Shinken Taira Sensei (a friend and teacher of Sakagami Sensei). In 1965 Sakagami Sensei presented Suzuki Sensei with his Karate-do Shihan certificate. In 1968 he was awarded 7th Dan Kyoshi in Kobudo by Shinken Taira Sensei. Sensei Sakagami awarded him 8th Dan Hanshi in Itosu-Ryu in 1980 & in 1992, Sensei Suzuki was also awarded by the Japan Karate Rengo-Kai his 8th Dan “Hanshi” certificate. After Sensei Sakagami's passing in 1993, Suzuki Sensei decided to form his own organisation, the Suzuki-Ha Shito-Ryu Nihon Karatedo Seiko-Kai.   Seiko-Kai to this day still has its Sohombu (Headquarters) dojo located in Shinkoiwa, Tokyo Japan,  
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