Australian Chief Instructor
Colin Punyer commenced his study of
Karate in 1983. This was the time when the
movie the “Karate Kid” was in the cinemas
and most teenagers could relate to the
story line.
The first night Colin walked through the
door of the Karate Dojo (training hall) he
was hooked, often training 4 nights a week
and whenever else possible.
There were no kids classes in those days,
Colin had to train with Adults, occasionally
getting a black eye or split lip. Due to age
retrictions back then he was not allowed
to test for Black Belt until 1989. Looking
back at this time Colin feels that these
hard times made him the Karate person he is today.
After receiving his Black Belt, Colin continued training and started to
visit Japan to further his knowledge. He has since visited Japan over
50 times and is still actively training and learning Karate. “Everyone
needs a Teacher” so Colin Sensei says.
During 2005 Colin came to a cross roads in his Karate life, frustration
had set in and he was unhappy with decisions that were preventing
him from continuing his quest for knowledge. But that frustration was
short lived, with Suzuki Sensei granting him approval to be the Chief
Instructor for Seiko-Kai in Australia.
This freed the way for Colin to continue his quest and keep visiting
Japan when he saw fit. Colin travels to Japan four times a year to
ensure his techniques and teaching methods are consistant with
those of his seniors.
During his tournament career he gained many first places, with the following
results being his most memorable on a local level. NSW AKF Over 80kg kumite
champion in 1993,
O75kg 1994 Australian Shito-ryu Kumite Champion (Mabuni
2006 QKA Queensland Veterans State Kumite Champion & 2006 AKF
National Champion
Veterans Kumite.
On an international
level Colin competed
in Japan on two
occasions. He was
successful both
times 1999 he
gained a top 8 finish
in kumite during the
32nd All Japan Itosu-
Kai Championships
in Tokyo, Japan.
Then in 2002 at the
35th All Japan Itosu-
Kai Tournament in
Tokyo, he placed 5th
in Kata and made the
top 16 in Kumite
Since Colin retired from competition, he has focused on officiating. He is currently
a Oceania Judge in Kata and Kumite . His love for karate continues with his goal
being able to look back and see Seiko-Kai growing.
In May 2011 the 25th Seiko-Kai Shihan Menjo by Suzuki Soke, making him the
first Western Shihan outside of Japan within the Seiko-Kai Organisation. This was
a great honour and a result of his years of hard work and dedication.
Colin received his Kyoshi license/certificate from Suzuki Soke in November 2013
In April 2015 due to his knowledge of Seiko-Kai kata he was promoted to an
“A”level instructor (only the 3rd person within the Seiko-Kai Organisation to hold
this certification).
In November 2016, Colin Shihan was promoted to 8th Dan by Suzuki Soke. This
was made even more special by being first Western person to receive this honour
directly from Suzuki Soke.
Colin Shihan was promoted to Hanshi in August 2019 by Suzuki Soke. Only the
All Australia Branch Website